Flexibility and well-being for dairy farmers and their cows
We understand that to keep your farm running smoothly, you need reliable solutions that can accommodate the current and future needs of your dairy facility. Our knowledgeable sales and service representatives can provide you with advice on all aspects of dairy farm operations. Our solutions can be used to achieve your specific goals, whether they include more efficient use of labour, better cow health or increased yields.
As an Authorized Lely Center since 2008, we promote the use of Lely technology as an innovative solution for efficient dairy farm management. Lely’s products provide flexibility, freedom of choice and well-being for yourself and your cows while retaining optimal production and high-quality milk. We partner Lely’s equipment with our sales, support and complete turn-key barn design service to ensure the success of your growing operation.
Lelywww.lely.com | Canarm Ag Systemswww.canarm.com |
VALMETALwww.valmetal.com | AUTOMATED PRODUCTIONSwww.automatedproduction.com |
Bulk Techwww.bulktech.ca | Agri-Plasticswww.agri-plastics.net |
Ritchiewww.ritchiefount.com | AGRI-COMFORTWWW.AgRI-COMFORT.cOM |